Showing posts with label Photographs.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photographs.. Show all posts

14 December 2012



Three weeks ago, whilst shopping for a high heel shoe, my  friend Nazeema called me, wanting me to shoot her son Muhammad's Wedding.  She's a very dear friend and there is no way on God's green earth, that I was not going to do it for her, even if it meant double booking for another Wedding. It was a spur of the moment Wedding. When Muhammad asked Hajira's parents for her hand in marriage, they felt it best not to set a date in the distant future nor even have an engagement, but let her marry as soon as possible. So this Wedding was planed and executed in three weeks flat.

The Wedding of Muhammad to Hajira was quite unusual to that of every other Indian or Muslim Wedding. These Weddings are known to be really elaborate, with lots of pomp and splendor and are very time consuming.  As Muslim and Indian Weddings go, the groom's family normally hosts a breakfast for the men after they attend the Nikkah (marriage ceremony at the mosque). Thereafter the groom goes to meet his wife, places a diamond ring and wedding band on her finger and is ready to take her home. But, the families won't allow that. They are as much part and partial to the Wedding Couples Day as is "something old and something blue".  The groom's family normally also hosts lunch for all their guests and for the bride's immediate family (the in-laws) so that they can meet the rest of the family and interact with one another. The inverse is done by the  bride's family at supper time, to reciprocate and meet the groom's family. Somewhere in between lunch and supper the Bride and Groom and some family members go off to have some photographs taken. 

However, Muhammad and Hajira's Wedding Day didn't start as early as other Weddings do, nor did they host a breakfast for the men after mosque. After the Nikkah there were some snacks at Muhammad's family home for those who attended. Hajira had on a  really beautiful morning gown and an even more Beautiful afternoon Wedding Dress with a miniature bridesmaids to matchMuhammad wore a stunning tux and looked very smart. Rings were exchanged, Hajira's Diamond Ring was dainty but really gorgeous.  Lunch was a collective effort by both  the bride and groom's families and it was hosted in a nearby school hall. Brides maids with high heel shoes, flower girls and page boys were in abundance. Photographs were taken on stage and very soon after, the proceeding was over. There was no fuss and bother, no tradition, no toast, no train of Hujjaj and no mink stole. After dessert, the guests left while the sun still had a few hours before it would set and the newly weds left for their new and beautifully furnished homeEverything went down wonderfully, it was really cool and I hope that this wedding could set a standard for deviating from the traditional eighteen hour long Weddings with all its procedures that both the Muslims and Indians are famous for.

Should you be getting married soon or just planning a Wedding, checkout some of the links to fabulous Wedding jewellery, exquisite Wedding gowns, exclusive bridal wear, sexy high heel shoes, sophisticated wedding plannersbridal indabas and so much more.

Photojani Photographic Studio © 2012 Ph. 0847458245, 

Photojani Photographic Studio © 2012 Ph. 0847458245, 

Photojani Photographic Studio © 2012 Ph. 0847458245, 

Photojani Photographic Studio © 2012 Ph. 0847458245, 

Photojani Photographic Studio © 2012 Ph. 0847458245, 

Photojani Photographic Studio © 2012 Ph. 0847458245, 

NB! All photographs are smaller, low resolution copies of original works and remain the property of Photojani Photographic Studios. None of these photographs may be downloaded without the explicit written permission of the copyright holder. Photojani Photgraphic Studios © 2012 - Ph 0847458258, email